Chloroplast ATP synthesis(CF0-CF1 ) is key enzyme for energy conversion. In recent years, functional assemble and analysis of H+ channelformed by CF0-CF1 on the lipid bilayerhave aroused wide interest.In this work, we studied the effectsof Mg2+ or Ca2+ on proton conductionthrough CF0-CF1 reconstituted into aplannar lipid bilayer under voltage-clampmede. The results obtained were as follow:(1 ) When the transmembrane(BLMs) proton gradient was zero (pH =0), the posihve membrane current whichwould increase with holding potential(HP) from 0 to 150 mV and a magnitudeof stimulation by Ca2+ from 0 to 150 mVat a constant rate. However, in caseMg2+ substituted for Ca2+ the membranecurrent showed a pronounced increasewhen the holding potential was higherthan 50 mV.(2) When transmembrane protongradient maintained at 3 (pH = 3) underholding potential at zero, the stimulationof membrane current by Mg2+ was manifested. However, stimulation of membrane current by Ca2+ took place at afterholding potential higher than 30 mV andthe magntitude of stimulation by Ca2 + wasless than that of the Mg2+.(3) Ca2+ had no effect on the stimulation of membrane current by Mg2+.(4) When Mg2+ was present, themagnitude of stimulation of membranecurrent increased by dimiotaitol (DTT)with the holding potential changing fromzero to 150 mV remained constant in thepresence of Ca2 +, me stimulated of themembrean current when the holding potential was higher than 30 mV.These results show that the Mg2+not only regtilates proton conductance ofCF0-CF1 but also is favors the inductionof conformation chang in membrane-bound CF0-CF1 and cause the γ-subunit hidden in CF0-CF1 to come to the surfaceand disulfide bond in it to be reduced byDTT, thus increasing the amount of proton conduction. Owing to the action asan electrostatic shield of Ca2+ was favorable for the stabilization of the conformation of CF0-CF1, it increases the membrane current.