
CT脊髓造影在自发性颅内低压脑脊液漏点检出中的价值 被引量:8

CT myelography: application in detecting the site of spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leaks
摘要 目的探讨CT脊髓造影在自发性颅内低压脑脊液漏点检出中的价值及影像学表现。方法6例自发性颅内低压患者,男女各3例,均符合2004年国际头痛分类第2版自发性颅内低压的诊断标准。影像学资料包括5例全脊柱MRI检查和6例全脊柱CT脊髓造影。根据CT脊髓造影发现的脑脊液漏点,选择穿刺部位,透视下注射混合碘造影剂的自体静脉血,随访观察治疗效果。结果5例全脊柱MRI检查均未发现漏点。6例CT脊髓造影检查均发现了漏点,各例漏点数目为1~7个,总漏点数目25个,平均4.2个,其中颈椎和胸椎各12个,腰椎1个。CT脊髓造影表现包括造影剂线状漏出、椎旁软组织内片状造影剂蓄积及神经根袖呈鸟嘴样扩大等。6例患者经靶向硬膜外血贴治疗后获得临床痊愈。结论CT脊髓造影是一种有效和精确的自发性脊髓脑脊液漏点定位诊断手段。 Objective To evaluate the application of CT myelography (CTM) in detecting the site of spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks and analyze it' s imaging features. Methods Six patients (3 women and 3 men) with spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) were included, who met the criteria of the International Headache Classification (2nd edition, 2004). Five patients subsequently underwent whole spine MR/and all 6 patients underwent CTM. Autologous blood mixed with omnipaque (300 mg/ml) was injected followed by selective puncture at the leak site indicated by CTM. Results MR/was failed to find leak site in the 5 patients, whereas CTM successfully found leak sites in all 6 patients. There were 1 to 7 leak sites respectively with an average of 4. 2 sites (totally 25 points). Leak sites at cervical ( 12 sites) and thoracic ( 12 sites) were more frequent than at lumbar ( 1 site). CTM was featured by linear leakage of the contrast medium along the spinal nerve roots, paraspinal collections of hyper-density contrast medium and beak-like enlargement of the nerve sleeves. All patients responded well to the treatment, with complete resolution of symptoms. Conclusion CTM has been shown to be a study of choice to accurately define the location and extent of a CSF leak.
出处 《中华神经科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期319-322,共4页 Chinese Journal of Neurology
关键词 血肿 硬膜外 脊髓 颅内低压 体层摄影术 X线计算机 脊髓造影术 Hematoma, epidural, spinal Intracranial hypotension Tomography, X-ray computed Myelography
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