
侵袭性牙周炎患者牙根形态异常的观察 被引量:11

Evaluation of root abnormity in patients with aggressive periodontitis
摘要 目的 探讨牙根形态异常的评价方法,了解侵袭性牙周炎(aggressive periodontitis,AgP)患者牙根形态异常的分布状况。方法将108例A扩患者的2841颗牙、41例慢性牙周炎(chronic periodontitis,CP)患者的1135颗牙和30名牙周健康者的840颗牙纳入本项研究,在全口根尖片上根据根宽度参照值并结合牙根外形评定5类牙根形态异常(锥根、细长根、冠根比例失常、弯曲根和后牙融合根)。结果锥根上、下前牙根宽度参照值[分别为(0.04±0.01)、(0.02±0.02)cm]均较正常上、下前牙根宽度参照值[分别为(0.10±0.03)、(0.07±0.02)cm]小,但前者的冠根比大于后者;细长根下前牙的根宽度参照值[(0.02±0.02)cm]、锥根上、下双尖牙的根宽度参照值[分别为(0.03±0.03)、(0.02±0.01)cm]均较相应的正常同名牙[分别为(0.07±0.02)、(0.07±0.01)、(0.18±0.26)cm]小,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001),但它们的牙根长度与正常牙相比差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。AgP组根形态异常牙407颗(14.3%)、CP组57颗(5.0%)、健康组31颗(3.7%),各组间差异有统计学意义(P=0.001)。结论AgP患者牙根形态异常的发生率明显高于CP患者和牙周健康者。 Objective To explore a method for classifying root abnormity and to investigate the status of root abnormity in patients with aggressive periodontitis (AgP). Methods A total of 108 patients (2841 teeth)with AgP, 41 patients( 1135 teeth) with ehronic peridontitis(CP) and 30 periodontal healthy subjeets(840 teeth) were included in the study. The abnormality of roots was evaluated on a full set of periapical radiographs. A reference parameter of " root width" in the middle of root was introdueed in this study for classifying various types of root abnormality. The root abnormality was categorized into five types: cone-root ( incisor, premolar) , slender-root, curved-root, maladjusted proportion of crown and root, and syncretie root. Results To compare with normal ineisor root, the parameter of root width in cone-root incisor is much lower [ up incisor: (0. 04 ±0. 01 ) and (0. 10 ±0. 03) em; low incisor: (0.02±0. 02) and (0. 07 ±0. 02) cm, P 〈0. 001 ] , and root is shorter with maladjusted proportion of crown. To compare with normal root, the slender-root in low incisor and premolar cone-root, the parameters of root width are also lower [low ineisors: (0. 02 ±0. 02) and (0. 07±0. 02) cm; up premolar: (0. 03 ±0. 03) and (0. 07± 0.01); low premolar: (0.02 ±0.01) em and (0.18±0.26) era, P 〈 0.001]. The number (or percentage) of teeth with root abnormality in AgP group, CP group, and eontrol group was 407 ( 14. 3% ), 57(5.0% ), and 31 ( 3.7% ), respectively. Significant differenees of percentage of teeth with root abnormality were found among the three groups. AgP group had the highest percentages of teeth with root abnormality, while the control group had the lowest percentage. Conclusions The patients with aggressive periodontitis had more teeth with root abnormality than the patients with chronic periodontitis or healthy subjects. The root abnormality could be a local contributing factor for AgP patients.
出处 《中华口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期266-269,共4页 Chinese Journal of Stomatology
基金 国家自然科学基金(30471882) “十一五”国家科技支撑计划(2007BA118B02) 国家高技术研究发展计划(“863”计划,2002AA217091)
关键词 牙周炎 牙根 评价研究 Periodontitis Teeth root Evaluation studies
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