研究目的:目前有效铁路规范虽然对地震区选线有一些规定,但没有结合具体的地震动参数,操作性不强。汶川大地震在艰险山区产生的次生灾害非常严重,但汶川地震不同动峰值加速度值大小与山区铁路次生灾害的严重程度是不一样的,选线设计、工程处理有很大差别,通过研究两者之间的关系,指导位于艰险山区高烈度地震区铁路(目前非常多)选线,具有非常现实的意义。研究结论:对于地震动峰值加速度为0.1 g、0.15 g的地区,铁路选线可不考虑地震因素;对于地震动峰值加速度为0.2 g、0.3 g的地区,铁路选线要考虑地震因素;对于地震动峰值加速度大于等于0.4 g的地区,铁路选线受地震因素控制,工程设置以易于修复为原则。
Research purposes: Although the current railroad standard has some stipulations to the route selection in seismic region,but does not integrate with the concrete seismic dynamic parameters,so it is difficult to put into practice.After big Wenchuan earthquake,the secondary disaster produced in mountain area was extremely serious,but the impacting grade depended on the acceleration of dynamic peak value.This paper studies the relation between the seismic acceleration of peak value and railway route selection for the purpose of directing the route selection in mountain area.Research conclusions:In the areas where the seismic acceleration of dynamic peak value is 0.1 or 0.15 g,the earthquake impacting factors may not be considered in railroad route selection.In the areas where the seismic acceleration of dynamic peak value is 0.2 or 0.3 g,the earthquake imparting factor railroad route selection must be considered in railway route selection.In the areas where the seismic acceleration of dynamic peak value is ≥0.4 g,the railway route selection is impacted by earthquake factor serously,and the railway track in these area should be easy to repair.
Journal of Railway Engineering Society
mountain area
earthquake area
railway route selection