3Philip Alston,The Committee on Economic,Social and Cultural Rights,in P.Alston (ed.),The United Nations and Human Rights:A Critical Appraisal,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,p.490.
4Drzewicki,The Rights to Work and Rights in Work,,in A.Eide; C.Krause and A.Roses (eds.) Economic,Social and Cultural Rights:A Textbook,Second Revised Edition,The Hague,gartinus Nijhoff Publishers,2001,p.223.
5Johann Gottlieh Fichte W erk,hrsg.yon Fritz Medicus,Bd.2.,Leipaig O.Z.,S.218F.
7C.Fournier,Théorie des guatre mouvements et des destinéesg' enérales,Paris,1802,p.270.