

Research on the clinical efficiency of cuspid occlusal upheaving splint coordinating with straight wireappliance for anterior deep overbite and overjet
摘要 目的:总结下颌尖牙高型板配合直丝弓矫治器治疗前牙深覆深覆盖的临床疗效。方法:选择An-gleI类错上颌前牙有散在间隙伴深覆深覆盖病例15例,男7例,女8例。年龄18~22岁。均采用国产直丝弓托槽,先行上颌牙固定矫治。同时下颌配戴尖牙高型板打开咬合,矫治前拍摄头颅侧位定位片,待咬合打开,后牙有接触时再拍摄头颅侧位定位片,选择头影测量指标22项,对测量结果进行T检验。结果:MP-SN,S-Ar-Go,Y-axis在戴尖牙高型板治疗前后均有显著性差异,N-Me,ANS-Me也有显著性差异,下颌平面角增大,下颌有后旋趋势,有利于改善低角型面形。U6-PP,L6-PP增大,有显著性差异,上下后牙均有升高,有利于打开咬合,解除深覆。U1-PP增大有显著性差异,提示上前牙伸长,L1-Mp有减小的趋势,没有显著性差异,下前牙有压低的可能。U1-SN,U1-NA,U1-PP有非常显著差异,上颌前牙明显内收,深覆盖明显改善。结论:下颌尖牙高型板配合直丝弓矫治器是一种治疗前牙深覆深覆盖的有效方法。 Object: The purposes of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of cuspid ocdusal upheaving splint and straight wireappliance for anterior teeth deep overbite and overjet. Method: Fifteen patients with Angle Ⅰ sparse upper anterior teeth deep overbite and overjet were chosen, including 7 males and 8 females,whose age was from 18 to 22. In order to make the anterior teeth fixed, all the patients were treated by straight wireappliance. Meanwhile, the lower mandible worn cuspid occlusal upheaving splint to open articulation. Cephalometric radiographs were taken before and after this treatment. 22 measure criterion of the radiographs were chosen to carry out T tests. Result:MP-SN,S-AR-Go, Y-axis, N-Me and ANS-Me appeared obviously different before and after the patients worn cuspid occlusal upheaving splint. This indicated that the enlargement of mandibular angle and the tendency of the high-angle of lower teeth contributed to improving low-angle face form. The increase of U6-PP and L6-PP showed that both the upper and lower posterior teeth had been improved to open articulation and relief from deep overbite. U1-PP increased,which pointed out the upper anterior teeth grew longer. L1-Mp tended to decrease and this made it possible to achieve lower anterior teeth intrusion. U 1-SN, U1-NA and U1-PP differed greatly, suggesting that upper anterior teeth were adducted distinctly and the deep overjet had been improved a lot. Concludsion: Cuspid occlusal upheaving splint coordinating with straight wireappliance is one of the efficient methods to treat deep overbite and overjet of anterior teeth.
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2009年第5期287-288,共2页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
关键词 直丝弓矫治器 尖牙高胎型[牙合]板 深覆盖 深覆[牙合] straight wireappliance cuspid occlusal upheaving splint deep overbite deep overjet
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