
如何研究学校教育情境中的自我——威廉·派纳的“存在体验课程”研究 被引量:4

摘要 存在体验课程是一种研究者、教师和学生以能够引起自我转变的方式来研究学校知识、生活史和主观意义之间的关系的自传研究方法,它包括回溯-前进-分析-综合四个研究步骤。研究者和教师可以使用这种方法来理解自我,扩大自己内在自我的能量。
作者 陈雨亭
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期19-24,共6页 Global Education
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  • 3Pinar, William. (1994). Introduction. In W. Pinar, Autobiography, Politics and Sexuality. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. pp. 1
  • 4Doerr, Marilyn N. (2004). Currere and the Environmental Autobiography: A Phenomenological Approach to the Teaching of Ecology. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
  • 5Doerr, Marilyn N. (2004). Currere and the Environmental Autobiography: A Phenomenological Approach to the Teaching of Ecology. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. pp.3,21-22, 186
  • 6Pinar, William. (1994). The Lost Language of Cranes. In W. Pinar, Autobiography, Politics and Sexuality. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. pp. 67
  • 7Pinar, William. (2004). What is Curriculum Theory. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. pp. 55 - 56
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  • 9Pinar, William. (2000). Currere: Toward Reconceptualization. In William Pinar(ed). Curriculum Studies: The Reconceptualization. New York: Educator's International Press, Inc. pp.412,412-413
  • 10Pinar, william ( in print). Curriculum Theory Since 1950: Crisis, Reconceptualization , Internationalization. In F. Michael Connelly (ed). Handbook of Curriculum Research. London.. Sage Publications.



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