3Jerome H. Skolnick, Justice without trial: law enforement in democratic society 117 (3d ed. 1994).
4Cal. Penal Code 701.5(West 1999).
5Mark Curriden,what's the cost of using paid informener? A.B.A.J. ,June 1991, at 43.
6Mark Curriden, The informant trap: secrete threat to justice, NAT' L L. J., Feb. 20, 1995, at A 1, A28.
7Penelop R. Glover, Re - defining friendship : Emplyment of informants by police, 72 U. Colo. L. Rev. 749 ( summer, 2001 ).
8Commonwealth v. Upton,390 Mass.562,458 N.E.2d 717(1983).
9Carla A. Ellis, Current implications of an informant's veracity : Commwealth v. Rojas, 25 New Eng. L. Rev. 859 ( spring, 1991 ).
10PBS Ordine,Snitch:How informants have become a key part of prosecutiorial strategyin the drug war, Fortline, at http://www. pbs.org/wghb/pages/frontline/shows/snitch(last visited Mar. 1,2001 ).