
多参数流式细胞术在成年人急性髓系白血病免疫分型中的应用 被引量:6

Study on immunophenotyping with multi-color flow cytometry in adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia
摘要 目的探讨成年人急性髓系白血病(AML)三色流式细胞术免疫分型的特点。方法采用CD45/SSC双参数散点图设门方法对126例成年AML患者进行三色流式细胞术免疫分型分析。结果髓系抗原CD13、CD33和CD117在AML各亚型中均有很高的表达,阳性率分别为86.4%、70.2%和90.4%;CD34及HLA—DR表达偏低,分别为63.5%和61.7%。约34.2%AML患者伴有淋系抗原表达,AML淋系抗原CD7和CD19表达率分别为23.6%和2.3%。结论流式细胞术免疫分型对AML的诊断及预后判断具有重要的意义。 Objective To evaluate the characteristics of immunophenotyping in adults with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) using multi-color flow cytometry. Methods Immunophenotyping was performed by three color flow cytometry using CD45/SSC gating. Results In 126 patients with AML, the myeloid antigen of CD13, CD33 and CDH7 was highly expressed. The positive rate was 86.4 %, 70.2 % and 90.4 %, respectively. The CD34 and HLA-DR were lowerly expressed as 63.5 % and 61.7 %, respectively. About 34.2 % of lymphoid-associated antigen expression of all the AML patients. The lymphoid-associated antigens of CD7 and CD19 expression in patients with AML was 23.6 % and 2.3 %, respectively. Conclusion Multi-color flow cytometry is an important method for diagnosis and prognosis for AML.
机构地区 北京医院血液科
出处 《白血病.淋巴瘤》 CAS 2009年第5期270-271,共2页 Journal of Leukemia & Lymphoma
关键词 白血病 髓样 流式细胞术 免疫表型分型 Leukemia, myeloid Flow cytometry Immunophenotyping
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