
吡格列酮对痴呆大鼠模型空间记忆及海马结构的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Pioglitazone on the spatial memory and hippocampal structure in model of SAD rates
摘要 目的观察吡格列酮灌胃对脑室内注射链脲佐菌素(streptozotocin,STZ)大鼠模型视觉空间记忆的影响,分析其对海马微观结构的影响。方法吡格列酮和10%CMC混悬剂处理侧脑室注射STZ建立大鼠AD模型和假手术对照组大鼠,观察各实验组大鼠行为、海马突触囊泡素表达及微观改变。结果与治疗组和对照组相比,侧脑室注射STZ后大鼠逃避潜伏期明显延长,穿越平台次数明显减少,尼氏染色见海马CA1区神经元减少,电镜下,神经元明显萎缩,线粒体减少,突触数明显减少。结论侧脑室注射STZ后大鼠空间记忆力减退,与突触结构及神经元受损有关,吡格列酮对这些改变有保护作用。 [Objective] To investigate the effects of Pioglitazone on the optical spatial memory and hippocampal mierostrueture in modle of streptozotoein (STZ) intraeerebroventrieularly treated rates. [Methods] Each group of SAD rats which had been treated by intraeerebroventrieular STZ received Pioglitazone or 10% CMC once daily for three weeks. The spatial memory,hippocampal synaptophysin level and mierostrueture were observed. [Results] Compared with control group and treatment group, the escape latency and number of crossing in ICV STZ rats were significantly decrease, the number of neuron in hippocampus CA1 in the model group was significantly impaired, electron microscope reveales-that STZ rat's brain showed atrophy of neuron, degranulation or fragmentation of mitochondria, decrease of synapse. [Conclusions] Intraeerebroventrieular administration of STZ could impair cognitive ability in rat through damage of synapses structures and neuron, Pioglitazone has protective effect on the injured brain.
出处 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期1294-1297,共4页 China Journal of Modern Medicine
基金 湖南省卫生厅课题(No:2000057)
关键词 吡格列酮 链脲佐菌素 侧脑室注射 阿尔茨海默病 突触 电镜 Pioglitazone streptozotocin intracerebroventricular alzheimer disease synapse electron microscope
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