
铸锻热加工行业节能减排技术及设备 被引量:2

Energy-Saving Emission Reduction and Equipment in the Field of Theromechanical Processing
摘要 在分析机械工业制造领域节能减排的现状基础上,提出了机械工业制造领域节能减排新技术、新工艺和新装备,如数字化制造融入铸锻过程、减量化促进铸造新材料开发、铸锻生产趋向近净成形制造、特种铸锻技术缩短工艺过程、熔炼(加热)过程趋向节能化、自动化控制促进铸锻清洁生产等,这些新技术和新装备为机械工业实现节能环保、清洁生产提供了强力支撑。机械制造过程趋向数字化、精密化、柔性化、智能化和绿色化,大量优质、高效、少无切削的新制造技术不断出现并逐渐在铸造、锻压、热处理等领域获得应用。 Based on the analysis of energy-saving emission reduction status in the field of mechanical manufucturing industry, new technology, new processing and equipments are proposed, such as digitial manufacturing process into casting and forging, development of new foundry materials by decrtement, near net shaping in the casting and forging field, and special technology to shorten the process of casting and forging, melting trend of energy-saving process, automation and control to promote the cleaner production of casting and forging. These new technologies and new equipments can provide strongly support for the machinery industry to achieve energy saving and environmental protection, clean production. With the development of machinery manufacturing process towards digitization, precision, flexiblity, intelligenence and greenization, a large number of high-quality, high efficiency, low or non-cutting new manufacturing technologies are increasingly emerged, and are progressively used in the casting, forging, heat treatment.
作者 单忠德 杨菁
出处 《铸造技术》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第5期583-588,共6页 Foundry Technology
基金 国家"十一五"科技支撑计划项目(2006BAF02A06) 北京市科技新星计划(2005B45)
关键词 节能减排 先进制造 铸造 锻压 Energy-saving emission reduction Advanced manufacturing Casting~ Forging
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