
网络计算环境下QoS偏好的处理策略及其应用 被引量:7

Treatment strategy and its application for QoS preference in network computing environment
摘要 为保障用户按需服务的需求,较深入研究了用户QoS需求偏好信息的处理策略。基于多属性决策理论,首先提出了QoS偏好信息的三种描述方式:序关系向量、AHP矩阵和语言评价集合,并给出了相应的转化和计算方法。随后,把QoS偏好的处理策略应用于服务选择,提出一个相对最优服务的确定方法,该方法可以反映用户的QoS偏好,满足用户按需服务的需求。具体实例表明所提出的QoS偏好信息的处理策略是切实可行的。 To ensure users' requirements for service on demand, the paper went deep into the treatment strategy of Quality of Service (QoS) preference information. Three ways were first put forward to describe QoS preference information based on the theory of multiple-attribute decision, which were orders vector, AHP matrix and language valuation collection, and the concrete methods of conversion and computation were given out. Afterward, the treatment strategy of QoS preference was applied to service selection, and a decision method of the optimal service was presented, which could reflect users' QoS preference and meet users' requirements for service on demand. The specific example with analysis indicates that the treatment strategy of QoS preference in the paper is feasible.
作者 梁泉 王元卓
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1502-1505,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60803123) 校科研发展预研基金资助项目(GY-Z0878)
关键词 网格环境 服务质量 QoS偏好信息 grid environment Quality of Service (QoS) QoS preference information
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