

Evolution of Bargaining Power between U.S.Multinationals and ASEAN-5 Countries
摘要 自1967年东盟成立至2007年的40年间,美国跨国公司的对外直接投资与东盟五国的工业化进程密切相关。本文以跨国公司与东道国谈判力为视角,在宏观和微观层次上讨论了美国跨国公司与东盟五国间谈判力演化的背景及主要影响因素,并指出一个有效的谈判力模型只能建立在个案研究的基础上,与特定谈判项目的优势拥有相关。 During 1967 -2007, U.S. multinationals' FDI played an important role in ASEAN-5 countries' industrialization. Focusing on the bargaining power, this paper explores the background and main factors which influence the bargaining power between U. S. multinationals and ASEAN-5 countries from the macro and micro levels. The paper suggests that an effective model of bargaining power is only based on the case study and related with the advantage of the specific investment project.
作者 黄荣斌
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2009年第2期71-76,共6页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 美国跨国公司 东盟五国 谈判力 U.S. Multinationals ASEAN-5 Countries Bargaining Power
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