

On the Discipline Nature of Information Ethics
摘要 信息伦理学最初以计算机伦理学的面目出现,对计算机伦理学基础性问题的争论是信息伦理学学科性质讨论的核心。信息伦理学的学科性质有两种不同的研究取向:一是信息伦理是一个特殊的研究领域,主要问题包括:信息通信技术对人类影响的道德讨论,计算机伦理问题是否是独特的伦理问题?以及计算机伦理独立存在的理由;另一个是信息伦理学是否是一门独立的学科,主要对信息伦理学研究对象、研究方法和判断信息伦理学的标准进行探讨。信息伦理学学科性质讨论结果表明,信息伦理学不仅是一个值得探究的领域,而且将成为信息科学乃至整个人文社会科学中一门亟待发展和具有辉煌前景的学科。 information ethics was presented as computer ethics at first. The debate on the foundation issues of computer ethics is the core of discussion of information ethics. There are two study orientations on the nature of discipline of information ethics. Firstly, information ethics is a special field of study, of which the main questions included, the moral discussion of information and communication technologies on human beings, are computer ethics issues unique? and the reason of computer ethics as a special field. Secondly, information ethics is a unique discipline, according to which the subjects of information ethics, methodologies and criteria are discussed. The result indicates that information ethics is not only a field of inquiry, but also a splendid and urgently developed discipline that will carry out functions as information science and the whole humanities and social sciences in the future.
作者 刘彦尊
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期2-6,共5页 Research on Library Science
关键词 信息伦理学 计算机伦理学 学科性质 方法论 information ethics computer ethics the nature of discipline methodology
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