目的:研究冠心合剂对氧化低密度脂蛋白(ox-LDL)诱导的人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVEC)细胞间黏附分子-1(ICAM-1)及血管细胞黏附分子-1(VCAM-1)表达的影响。方法:进行HUVECs原代培养,取第4~6代进行实验,随机分为6组:对照组、模型组、氟伐他汀组、冠心合剂小剂量组、冠心合剂中剂量组、冠心合剂大剂量组。Ox-LDL刺激HUVEC 6h后,大鼠药物血清与HUVECs共培养48h,E lisa法检测细胞上清液ICAM-1、VCAM-1的表达。结果:冠心合剂可明显降低ox-LDL诱导的HUVECs ICAM-1和VCAM-1表达水平。结论:冠心合剂抗动脉粥样硬化(AS)的作用机制可能与其抗黏附作用进而保护血管内皮细胞功能密切相关。
Obejective: To explore the effects of Guanxin Decoction on ICAM - 1, VCAM - 1 expression in HUVECs exposed to oxidized low -density lipoprotein( ox -LDL). Methods :The HUVECs were primary cultured. HUVECs from third to sixth generations were randomly divided into control group, model group, Fluvastatin group, low- dose Guanxin Decoc- tion group, mid - dose Guanxin Decoction group, high - dose Guanxin Decoction and stimulated with ox - LDL for six hours. Then HUVECs were cultured with Drug - contained serum for 48 hours. The ICAM - 1 ,VCAM - 1 were detected by Etisa in HUVECs. Results : Guanxin Decoction can significantly inhibit ICAM - 1, VCAM - 1 expression in HUVECs exposed to oxidized low -density lipoprotein (ox - LDL). Conclusions:Guanxin Decoction has anti -atherogenic effect due to inhibit the expression of ICAM - 1 and VCAM - 1.
Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine