
庆大霉素加云南白药灌肠治疗化脓性肠炎 被引量:2

Gentamicin Enema Combined with Yunnan Baiyao in Treatment of Suppurative Enteritis
摘要 目的探讨庆大霉素注射液加云南白药采用肛门给药法,对溃疡性导致化脓性直肠、乙状结肠炎的疗效情况。方法分析总结庆大霉素注射液加云南白药中西结合的方法治疗溃疡性继发化脓直肠、乙状结肠炎30例的治疗情况。结果30例患者经肛门给药(灌肠)一个月(30天)后,脓性血便消失或减少,溃疡治愈或好转,肛门坠胀消失或减轻。治愈18例,占60%;好转9例,占30%;无效3例,占10%。治疗方法简单,可自行操作。结论庆大霉素配合云南白药治疗溃疡性肠炎继发化脓性直肠、乙状结肠炎,效果明显,克服了消化系统末端疾病过去治疗时间长,不易治愈,患者经济等负担压力重的情况,提高了患者的生活质量。 Objective To explore the curative effect on suppurative ulcerative rectum, sigmoid colon inflammation treated with anal administration of gentamicin injection plus Yunnan Baiyao. Methods Analyzing 30 cases of secondary suppurative ulcerative rectum, sigmoid colon inflammation treated with gentamicin injection plus Yunnan Baiyao, a treatment method of combining Chinese and Western Therapy. Results 30 cases of patients with anal administration (enema) a month (30 days) until the disappearance of purulent or reduction of blood, ulcers healed or improved, fall-swell in the anus disappeaedr or reduced. Cured in 18 cases (60%), improved in 9 cases (30%), invalid in 3 cases (10%). The sim pie treatment method can be operated by patients themselves. Conclusion It is obviously effective by treatment of ulcerative colitis with secondary pyogenic rectum, sigmoid colon inflammation with gentamicin plus Yunnan Baiyao, which has overcome the difficulties of long-time treating, be ing not esay to cure in treatment of end diseases of digestive system, the economic burden of patients in the past, and improved their quality of life.
作者 陈懋生
出处 《临床医学工程》 2009年第5期27-28,共2页 Clinical Medicine & Engineering
关键词 庆大霉素 云南白药 灌肠治疗 肠炎 Gentamicin Yunnan Baiyao Enema enteritis
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