Objective To investigate the characteristic of HOI of cerebral palsy rehabilitation ward and provide evidence for rational admin istration. Methods Files of clinical data, infectors and susceptibility tests of 157 HOI children with cerebral who were admitted to hospital were analyzed. Results The HOI rate was 15.87%.The constituent ratio of respiratory infection was 93.63% and the alimentary infection was 6.37%. A mong the cases of respiratory infection, the constituent ratio of bacterial infection was 71.43 and the mycoplasma infection was 5.44%. 57 Gram-Negative bacillus were separated. According to the constituent ratio, the sequence fi'om high to low was K. Peumoniae, A.baumannii, Es cherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 7 Gram-Positive coccus and 41 Gram-negative coccus were separated. The susceptibility test displayed that the drug fast rate of SMZ-TMP for coccus was 100% and ampicillin for Gram-Negative bacillus was above 60%. The sensitive rate of oxacillin,vancomycin, imipenem for Staphylococcus aureus were 100% and cafalotin,amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, cefuroxime for Staphylocoeeus aureus and B.catarrhalis were 100%. The sensitive rate of amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and piperacillin forGram-Negativebacillus were above 70%. The sensitive rate of ceftazidime for Pseudomonas aeruginosa was 100%. Conclusion The HOI rate of cerebral palsy rehabilitation ward is higher than that of common pediatrics ward. Respiratory infection predominate in the infections and B.catarrhalis is the main infector.
Clinical Medicine & Engineering
Cerebral Palsy
Rehabilitation Ward
Hospital Onset of Infection