
量子移动通信最优纠缠中继与量子搭桥方案研究 被引量:1

The optimum quantum states entanglement relay and bridging scheme for quantum mobile communicating systems
摘要 根据量子力学原理,量子通信具有经典通信无可比拟的安全保密性,因而成为当前通信领域新的研究热点。量子移动通信是未来量子通信系统的重要组成部分,纠缠中继是量子移动通信的关键技术之一。然而,由于在无线信道上存在各种干扰和噪声,使得量子纠缠态远程传送的实现面临很大困难。为此,本文提出了基于量子态隐形传送的移动纠缠中继和量子搭桥方案,建立了网络的分层结构模型,研究了相关的路由协议(QMRP协议)。分析结果表明,即使在移动终端之间没有共享EPR纠缠对的情况下,该方案仍然可以完成量子态的无线传输,而且其传输时延与链路的距离和基站数目无关,因此,从数据传输时延的观点来看,本方案是最优的。 According to quantum mechanics, quantum communication has the advantages in information security than the classical communication, and so it has been studied as new hot spot in communication field. Mobile quantum communication is one of the most important parts in the future quantum communication. Quantum en- tanglement relay is one of the key technologies in mobile quantum communication systems. However, there are so many kinds of interference and noise in wireless channel, that it is very hard to realize the relay of the quantum states. To address and solve the problem, the two quanta relay schemes based on mobile terminals and base stations are presented firstly. The layered structure of wireless quantum communication and the routing protocol of the quantum states transmission in wireless (QMRP) are presented also. Theory analysis results show that the scheme above can transmit quanta states with no EPR pairs shared by source and objective nodes, and the time delay in transmission has nothing to do with the number of wireless hopping. It proves that the model and scheme are optimal.
作者 聂敏
出处 《西安邮电学院学报》 2009年第3期1-5,共5页 Journal of Xi'an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60602053) 陕西省教育厅科学研究计划项目(08JK426)
关键词 量子移动通信 量子纠缠 QMRP协议 量子隐形传态 纠缠中继 quantum mobile communication quantum entanglement QMRP protocol quantum state teletransportion entanglement relay
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