The Mediametrie survey data demonstrate that the structuration of the rad audience universe appears neither as a strict fragmentation by station (although exclusive listeners do exist, as noted), nor as a horizontal practice across all stations. The radio audience is neither a " general we have public" nor an "average public", but a series of fragmented and intersecting audiences. In terms of theory, the conclusion leads us to abandon as statistically unproved in relation to radio practice the concept of a "general public" favour of that of the "dominant profile", and the concept of a "eomon denominator" in favour of one of fragmentation. An analysis of the radio audience thus constitutes a solid point of departure for a nuanced theory of the cultural industries, for the conceptualization of the cultural industries "public and the more general conceptualization of a" field of large - scale production designated by the cultural industries. It shows in particular the difficulty of conceptualizing a common goal for all actors in the industries. It introduces a theory which is more accurate in terms of fragmentation and of how producers take account of this, a theory capable of taking into account the types of groupings, commonalities and interaction between all the groups of practitioners producing very different goods.
Studies in Culture and Art
cultural industries theory
radio audiences