
澳大利亚影视文化政策解析:新理念和政策的分层衍变 被引量:2

Explaining contradictions in film and television industry policy:ideas and incremental policy change through layering and drift
摘要 20世纪60年代,随着大英帝国的解体和澳大利亚的独立,构建澳大利亚特色的国家身份已成为"卓越的主流理念"。面对这样的危机,政府当机立断,决定大力支持包括影视业在内的本土文化的发展。文化民族主义的理念落实到了用澳大利亚的声音讲述澳大利亚自己的故事的政策中,政府也不断向公众强调自己发展并保护澳大利亚本土文化的立场。。然而,澳大利亚影视新政的实施却没有改变政府保护本土文化的立场,联邦政府继续强调用澳大利亚的声音讲述澳大利亚自己的故事的重要性。文化国际主义和文化自由贸易理念作为政策的新层面,被添加到了已有的政策中,和文化民族主义一起,成为了澳大利亚保护本土文化政策的一部分。新理念并没有给澳大利亚影视政策带来剧变。相反,随着付费电视业的发展和投资商投资重点的转移,新理念正在不知不觉中促进着澳洲影视业的整体转变。通过将不同的理念落实在政策的不同层面,澳大利亚的影视政策正在悄悄的发生着改变。 In the 1960s, the idea of creating a distinctively 'normative spectacular and exceptional' because it represented arrangements which were closely connected to the British. The need to tell Australian stories in Australian voices, were Australian identity could be regarded as a strong departure from prior institutional ideas of cultural nationalism, linked to the subsequently normalized within Australian film and tdevision policy such that most major policy speeches by government throughout the history of the sector have made some reference to these values. However, in the case of the Australian film and television industry, there has not been a challenge to the ideas of cultural nationalism; the government has continued to make reference to the importance of telling Australian stories in Australian voices in its policy statements. Nor has Sere been radical institutional change. The new ideas have not been associated with short- term radical change in the film and television industry. Instead, the new policies might be expected to lead to incremental change in the industry as new services such as pay - TV come to dominate the industry and investors shift to investment into foreign rather than Australian productions. Australian film and television policy is a case of incremental change through 'layering' and 'drift'.
出处 《文化艺术研究》 2008年第2期246-252,共7页 Studies in Culture and Art
关键词 澳大利亚影视产业 理念 政策 文化民族主义 Australian film and television industry Ideas policy cultural nationalism
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