
银川平原植被空间分异研究 被引量:3

Spatial differentiation of the vegetation in the Yinchuan Plain
摘要 土壤盐渍化是制约银川平原内部植被生长最主要的生态环境地质问题,根本的影响因素则是土壤中的水盐运移与水盐平衡,而地形及微地貌条件对于土壤中的水盐运移过程具有控制作用,从而影响植被的生长和发育。文中以银川平原为研究对象,借助遥感数据中的植被指数方法定量地描述该地区植被的生长状况和空间分布,通过与数字高程模型的空间叠加与复合分析,合理地揭示了银川平原由于土壤盐渍化在不同地貌中的发育特点而产生的植被空间分异规律。 Soil salinity is the major geological problem for the ecological environment and retrain the growth of the vegetation in the Yinchuan Plain. The fundamental factors are the transport and balance of water and salt in the soil. The microtopography and terrain conditions can control the transport of water and salt in the soil, so as to affect the growth and development of the vegetation. In this study, making Yinchuan Plain as the study area, the remote sensing vegetation indexes were used to describe quantitatively the growth status and spatial distribution of the vegetation in the region. Besides the DEM was also used by means of spatial overlay and multi - factor analysis of GIS. As a result, the reason of the spatial differentiation of the vegetation was the soil salinity in the Yinchuan Plain.
出处 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期110-113,共4页 Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40772158)资助
关键词 盐渍化 植被空间分异 局部地形指数 银川平原 salinization spatial differentiation of the vegetation Iocal topographic index Yinchuan Plain
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