

Fuzzy Risk-Based Strategy for Computational Grid
摘要 针对计算网格的动态性特点,提出一种基于风险的模糊策略,实现对网格资源更灵活有效的分配.首先,研究了基于连续双向拍卖的网格资源分配框架.然后分析了Risk-Based策略,并将模糊理论与Risk-Based策略相结合,提出了基于风险的模糊策略.实验表明,在动态环境中,基于风险的模糊策略优于其他代理策略,能够实现较高的市场效率,市场效率超过99%,并且交易价格快速收敛于市场均衡价格. A fuzzy risk-based (Fuzzy RB) strategy is proposed to achieve more flexible and efficient resource allocation in dynamic computational grids. First, the framework of grid resource allocation based on continuous double auction (CDA) is discussed. Then, the risk-based strategy is analyzed and combined with fuzzy theory, and the Fuzzy RB strategy is proposed. The experiment results show that the Fuzzy RB strategy is better than other strategies and can achieve higher efficiency in dynamic grid; the market efficiency is over 99% and the transaction price can quickly converge to the equilibrium price.
作者 赵旭 蔚承建
出处 《信息与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期153-157,共5页 Information and Control
关键词 基于风险的模糊报价策略 模糊控制 连续双向拍卖 fuzzy risk-based bidding strategy fuzzy control continuous double auction
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