

Single channel characters of first spike latency of the acoustical neuron in the inferior colliculus of mice
摘要 目的验证小鼠下丘神经元第1次动作电位延时(FSL)反应的单通道特性。方法对4~6周龄BALB/c小鼠下丘神经元,运用单频纯音及双频率声刺激对小鼠下丘神经元给予刺激,采用在体细胞外记录方法,记录神经元对应于单频纯音及双频声刺激的FSL反应。以单通道的数理原理对数据进行处理及曲线拟合,最终分析结果。结果共记录到22个单单位神经元反应。其中14个神经元具有典型的单通道反应特性,8个神经元表现出多通道反应特性。结论小鼠下丘部分听神经元具有单通道反应特性,且通道的频率等于神经元的特征频率。 Objective To demonstrate the single channel characters of first spike latency (FSL) of the neuron in inferior colliculus of mice. Methods Extracellular recording technique was taken to record the neuron response to the sound with single or double frequencies on 4 to 6 weeks BALB/c mice. Data were processed according to the mathematical principle of single channel. Curve fitting were employed in order to get the result. Results A total of 22 responses from neurons were recorded. Fourteen of them had the typical characteristics of single-channel response, and eight neurons showed characteristics of multi-channel response. Conclusion A part of auditory neurons of inferior colliculus has characteristics of single-channel response, and the frequency of channel equal to the characteristic frequency of neurons.
作者 张帆 肖中举
出处 《新乡医学院学报》 CAS 2009年第3期228-231,共4页 Journal of Xinxiang Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:306706653073003930570571)
关键词 第1次动作电位延时 单通道 下丘 小鼠 first spike latency single channel inferior colliculus mouse
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