
中国英语学习者在句子语境中消解英语词汇歧义的认知模式 被引量:18

The resolution of English lexical ambiguity by Chinese EFL learners in sentential context
摘要 本文通过两个实验探讨了中国英语学习者在句子语境中对歧义词与语境一致词义的激活和与语境不一致词义的抑制过程。结果发现,虽然高、低水平受试在句子语境中的歧义消解过程都遵循顺序通达模型,但两者有本质区别:1)高水平受试的歧义消解过程是自动的,而低水平受试是受控的;2)高水平受试对无关信息的抑制能力强于低水平受试。实验结果支持基于用法的理论和结构建造框架理论。 Two experiments have been conducted to explore Chinese EFL learners' activation of the contextually appro-priate meanings and suppression of the contextually inappropriate meanings of ambiguous words in sentential con-text.The results show that although the disambiguation of lexical ambiguity in sentential context by the high and low proficiency learners both followed the Ordered-Access Model,the high proficiency learners' disambiguation was different from that of the low proficiency learners in two aspects:1)The high proficiency learners' disambi-guating process was autonomous,while the low proficiency learners' was controlled;2)The high proficiency learners suppressed the contextually inappropriate meanings more efficiently than the low proficiency learners.The findings of the present study are consistent with the usage-based approach and the structure building theory.
作者 赵晨 董燕萍
出处 《外语教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期170-178,共9页 Foreign Language Teaching and Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(项目号07JJD740067) 广东外语外贸大学校级重点研究基地项目"英语词汇歧义消解的认知过程研究"的资助
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