
B超引导经皮肝穿射频治疗肝癌46例临床分析 被引量:3

Percutaneous Ultrasound guided radiofrequency ablation therapy for liver tumors
摘要 目的评估冷极集束电极射频(cool electrode radiofrequency,CERF)治疗肝癌的临床疗效及适应证。方法复习连续46例肝癌患者经HECF-3000冷极射频治疗机多弹头冷极射频治疗的临床资料,比较治疗前后瘤体内血供状况、肿瘤大小、AFP值变化及患者自觉症状的改善情况。结果AFP值术后1周内下降者占56%,患者自觉症状改善。瘤体直径小于5cm的肝癌,其术后1~6个月大都瘤体血供消失,瘤体缩小、消失。个别瘤体复发经再次射频治疗得到控制。直径大于5cm肝癌,配合介入栓塞治疗,多数瘤体缩小。继发性肝癌就瘤体而言,射频治疗后大部分瘤体缩小得到控制。而冷极射频机行双中空冷循环冷却射频针不粘连组织。结论B超引导下多弹头冷极射频治疗肝癌,近期疗效确切、满意。 Objective To evaluate the efficacy of ultrasonically guided cool introde radiofrequency(CERF)thermal ablation of malignant hepatic tumors with a clustered electrodes. Methods Clinical records on 46 consecutive patients who underwent CERF tissue ablation were analyzed. The vascular flow to tumor nodules, radiographic images, tumor size, clinical findings,and AFP value of before and after the procedure were compared. Results AFP value decreased in 56% of patients in a week after ablation. Fortumors less than 5cm in diameter, the vascular flow to tumor nodules disappeared,the tumors reduced in size or even diminished within 1 to 6 months after the procedure. The minority or recurrent tumors or new tumors were controlled by reablation. For tumors that more than 5cm in diameter,CERF ablation of liver tumors was used in conjunction with transactheter arterial chemoembolization,most tumors size reduced after the procedure. For liver metastases in so for as tumor nodule,most tumor nodules reduced in size after CERF ablation. Conclusion Ultrasond guided CERF thermal ablation may be an effective, safe, minimally invasive technique in treating malignant hepatic tumors.
作者 周可
出处 《重庆医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期1223-1224,共2页 Chongqing medicine
关键词 肝肿瘤 冷极射频治疗 超声引导 liver neoplasms radiofrequency ablation ultrasonography guidance
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