
安徽省淮北市市区暗娼艾滋病综合监测结果分析 被引量:3

Comprehensive AIDS surveillance among female sex workers in Huaibei city,Anhui province
摘要 目的了解安徽省淮北市各类场所暗娼HIV感染情况和行为特征。方法2006年对桑拿洗浴、美容美发、歌舞厅、宾馆旅馆、出租屋5类场所的暗娼405名进行不记名问卷调查,并采集血样检测HIV抗体。结果接受问卷调查的405名暗娼,采集有效血样401份,发现HIV抗体阳性者1例,阳性率为0.25%。暗娼的平均年龄(22.70±4.55)岁(15~40岁),未婚者占42.72%,初中毕业占67.90%,本省占77.28%,首次卖淫年龄平均为(19.18±2.60)岁(14~30岁),最近一周商业性行为平均为(13.76±6.06)次(2~29次),最近一次接客的安全套使用率为87.65%。出租屋是最危险的场所,暗娼的流动性很大。结论娱乐洗浴场所及出租屋是艾滋病传播的高危场所,在这些场所中,尤其是在出租屋中继续深入开展宣传和行为干预对控制艾滋病的传播蔓延非常必要。 Objective To investigate the HIV infection status and the behavior characteristics of the female sex workers in some places in Huaibei city of Anhui province. Methods In 2006, an anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted and blood samples were taken for HIV test among 405 female sex workers in sauna house, recreation club, barbershop, hotel and rented apartrnent. Results One H/V-positive blood sample was found in 401 qualified samples (0.25%). The average age of female sex workers was 22.70 ±4.55 years old (ranged from 15 -40 years old) and 42.72% of them were unmarried, 67.90% were graduated from junior middle school and 77.28% were local residents. The age of the first commercial sex was 19.18 ± 2.60 years old (14 -30 years old ). The average times of commercial sex in the latest week wasl3.76 ± 6.06 ( 2 - 29 tomes). The condom use rate in the latest commercial sex was 87.65%. Rented apartments were with the highest exposure risk and the female sex workers changed their working places frequently. Conclusion The rented apartments, the recreation club and the bathing spot were the places with high risk of AIDS transmission, it is necessary to conduct health education and behavior intervention in these places ( especially in the rented apartments) in a deep going way to control the transmission of AIDS.
作者 胡祥标
出处 《疾病监测》 CAS 2009年第2期97-98,110,共3页 Disease Surveillance
关键词 暗娼 血清学 行为学 监测 female sex worker serology praxiology surveillance
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