水稻新品种亨粳101是由吉林省亨达种业有限公司2002年选育而成,2003~2004年参加本公司品比,2005~2007年参加吉林省预备试验、区域试验和生产试验,2007年底审定。该品种具有熟期早(生育期132 d)、米质优、高产稳产、耐盐碱、抗轻霜、适应性广等特点,是井水稻区和西部盐碱地种稻较为理想的后续品种。
The new rice variety 'Hengjing 101' was bred by Hengda Seed Industry Co., Ltd. of Jilin Province in 2002. It participated in this company comparison in 2003-2004. It participated in preparatory tests, regional testing and production tests in Jilin Province in 2005-2007, and it was audited by the end of 2007. This variety has characters such as early maturity (132 days of growing period), fine quality, high and stable yield, tolerant to Saline-alkali, resistant to light frost and wide adaptability, etc. It is ideal rice variety in area of well water irrigation and saline-alkali soil in western Jilin Province.
Journal of Jilin Agricultural Sciences