

Integrated Logistic Support System for Future Avionics
摘要 从综合保障技术的发展趋势出发,通过比较国内外航空电子装备综合保障系统,论述了近年来大量融入综合保障工程的综合化、信息化、仿真化和智能化的技术特点及其不断创新的组成形式。为实现维修、技术资料、备件管理、教学培训的信息化,实现远程专家诊断和维修信息资源共享,结合近年开展航空电子装备综合保障工作的经验和遇到的问题,提出了建造、拓展未来国内航空电子装备综合保障体系的建议和看法。 Based on the rapid development of integrated logistic support technology, and by a comparison between foreign and domestic integrated logistic support systems for avionics, the paper discusses the characteristics incorporated in the integrated logistic support engineering in recent years, such as integration, informationization, simulationization, intelligentization for the avionics, as well as their innovative forms of composition. To realize the informationization in maintenance, technical documents, spare parts management and training etc. as well as the sharing of remote expert diagnosis and maintenance information resource, the paper, based the experience and lessons learned in this field, presents some suggestions for the construction and expansion of the logistic support system for the avionics of China
作者 孙玉勤
出处 《无线电工程》 2009年第5期57-60,共4页 Radio Engineering
关键词 航空电子装备 综合保障 体系展望 avionics integrated logistic support system prospect
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