研究了国产桦木胶合板在常温状态下、液氮低温(-196℃)状态下和液氮低温处理(-196℃,48 h)后的弯曲力学性能,并分析了其用于LNG船绝缘箱的可行性。结果表明:在低温状态下(-196℃)桦木胶合板的弯曲力学性能各项测试指标均显著高于在常温状态下测试结果,MOE增加趋势比MOR更加显著;在低温处理后(-196℃,48 h)桦木胶合板弯曲力学性能各项测试指标略低于常温状态下测试结果,MOE降低趋势比MOR略显著;国产桦木胶合板在常温状态下、液氮低温状态下(-196℃)和液氮低温处理后(-196℃,48 h)的纵横向MOR与MOE的平均值均高于LNG船绝缘箱要求,完全满足使用需要,可以用于制造LNG船绝缘箱的绝热材料。
The bending properties of China birch plywood were studied in normal condition, in low temperature( - 196℃ ) and after being treated by Liquefied Nitrogen ( - 196℃ ,48 h), its feasibility for application to insulated tank of LNG ship was analyzed in this paper. The results showed that the bending Properties of this material in low temperature( - 196℃ ) increased compared with that in normal condition, while the increase of modulus of elasticity was more obvious than modulus of rupture of this material; The bending Properties of this material after being treated by Liquefied Nitrogen ( - 196℃, 48 h) decreased compared with that in normal condition, while the decrease of modulus of elasticity was more obvious than modulus of rupture of this material; the averages of the modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture of this material were larger than the requirements for adiabatic material of insulated tank of LNG ship. Therefore, this material could be used as the adiabatic material.
China Forestry Science and Technology
Birch plywood
Bending properties
Liquefied Nitrogen
Insulated tank