
有氧运动和力量训练对中老年人体适能的影响 被引量:52

The Effects of Aerobatic Exercise and Strength Training on the Physical Fitness of the Middle Aged and Elders
摘要 研究目的:本研究旨在通过调研和体适能测试的方式,比较长期从事有氧运动、力量训练以及两种方式结合锻炼三种中老年人群各种体适能指标之间的差异,研究两种锻炼方式及其之间的结合对中老年人体适能状况的影响作用机制,同时通过对一组不经常参加锻炼的中老年对象两种方式结合锻炼前后效果的补充性比较实验,初步探讨该锻炼方法的实际作用。研究对象:南京市50-70岁城市居民425人。研究方法:(1)横向比较:通过问卷调查将研究对象分为有氧锻炼组(男女各43、46人)、力量训练组(男性41人)、两者结合组(男女各45、42人)和非系统锻炼组(男女各45、49人)。对其进行体适能测试,比较各指标均值组间差异。(2)实验法。根据自愿原则从不锻炼人群中选取男女各31、29人组成锻炼组,制定3个月的有氧结合力量的锻炼方案,有氧锻炼方式为快走,每周5次,每次30分钟以上,有效步数>3000步;力量训练以弹力带为器材,在有氧训练结束20分钟后进行,每周3-5次,每次不少于30分钟。采用"双向渐进法"调整训练频率与负荷。在锻炼前后各进行两次体适能测试,比较锻炼前后各指标均值差异。测试项目与横向比较测试相同,包括BMI、体脂百分比、肌肉含量、握力、腿部蹬伸力、坐位体前屈、闭眼单足立、选择反应时、肺活量、LBAPWV、PEP/ET、骨密度。研究结果:无论那种锻炼方式,绝大部分体适能指标均优于对照组。有氧训练和力量训练均能有效降脂、提高肺活量和改善平衡能力。相对来说,力量练习对提高肌力和骨密度、有氧锻炼对改善心血管功能的作用更大。有氧结合力量练习对改善柔软性最为有效。单纯进行力量练习对改善柔韧素质、反应能力和心血管功能作用有限。实验结果表明,有氧结合力量的锻炼方式确能弥补单纯进行其中一种锻炼方式对改善某种体适能指标的不足,但实验方案有待进一步改善。 In this study, a cross--section analysis was taken to compare the fitness average values among the 4 group objects which were selected through a questionaire survey: aerobatic trainning group(AT), strength trainning group(ST), AT combined with ST(AS) and control group (those who didn't participate in systimatie exercises) (NT). In addition, an training programme (AT combined with ST) lasting for 3 months was arranged on the objects not undertaking systematic exercises. The fitness tests were undertaken before and after the experimental training. The test items similar to those of the cross--section comparative test includes: BMI, fat%, muscle weight, grip strength, leg press strength, sit and reach, single--foot standing with eyes closed, choice reaction time, vital capacity, LBAPWV, PEP/ET and BMD. The result of the study are as follows: According to the cross-- section comparison, the most of fitness avarage values of those participating in exercise are higher than those of control group. Both strength trainning and acrobatic exercise can effectively decrease body fat, improve balance ability and vital capacity. Strength training plays a relatively more important role in improving muscle quality and BMD while aerobotic exercise can improve cardiovascular function more effectively. The flexibility can be most effectively improved through acrobatic combined with strength training. A simple strength training trainning has a limited role in improving flexibility, reaction and cardiovascular function. The result of the experimental trainning shows that ATcombined with ST trainning is more important than a single AT or ST in improving some fitness quality, but the experimental designs should be furtherly revised.
出处 《体育与科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期63-70,共8页 Sports & Science
基金 江苏省科技厅2006年度社会发展项目课题,项目号:BS2006082
关键词 有氧运动 力量训练 横向比较 实验研究 体适能 acrobatic exercise strength trainning cross- section comparison experiment, fit- ness
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