以符合哈密顿(Hamiltonian)特性的管道振动方程的简化问题给出了一种具体的计算方法。为了保持原方程哈密顿结构,这种简化过程中使用的矩阵必须是辛矩阵(sympletic matrix)。针对管道振动方程给出一种辛矩阵的计算方法,该方法利用了哈密顿方程线性部分的特征空间,用特征空间的一些性质来完成辛矩阵的计算。
We study the pipe vibration equations with Hamiltonian property for putting the linear system into normal form. To preserve the Hamihonian structure, this transformation must be sympletie. Hence, we put forword an approach to sympletic matrix for pipe equations with Hamihonian property. The matrix sympletic ways utilizing the linear apart eigenvector of Hamiltonian motion equations and the eigenveetor properties. At last,we get a sympletric matrix.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering