
基于神经网络的民航安检系统风险评价研究 被引量:2

Aviation security check system on neural network risk assessment model
摘要 随着民航事业的快速发展,民航安全问题引起了广泛的关注。民航安全检查是民航管理安全重要的组成部分,如何建立一个合理的风险评价模型,指导民航安全检查的管理工作,已成为民航管理者的迫切需求。将BP神经网络模型引入民航安全管理,在分析民航安检系统的基础上,建立了安检系统的风险评价模型。通过实际应用验证了该模型的可行性。 With the development of civil aviation, the problem of aviation security is focused by extensively in these years. Security checkt is the main part of aviation security, it is an important task how to enhance the management level further. So it is urgent to build up a reasonable risk assessment model to direct the security check management. In this paper, the characteristics of back propagation neural network and the steps to com- plete a BP model are discussed. The security check risk assessment model based on security check analysis was built up. , and a feasibility analysis of the model was checked according to an actual example.
出处 《沈阳航空工业学院学报》 2009年第2期83-85,共3页 Journal of Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering
关键词 安全检查 风险评价 BP神经网络 security check risk assessment back propagation neural network
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