
全球金融危机下金融机构破产立法重整问题研究——以银行业为例 被引量:2

A Study on the Reorganization and Insolvency Legislation of Financial Institutions under the Background of Global Financial Crisis Exemplified by the Banking Sector
摘要 当前肇始于美国次贷危机的全球金融风暴令不少世界大银行纷纷陷入倒闭的边缘,中国银行业尽管没有受到太多的冲击,但关于中国银行业破产立法问题需要得到及时深入的研究。文章认为,银行业在中国国民经济中的特殊地位决定了新《破产法》不完全适用于银行业破产,在金融机构破产立法中,清算阶段的重整问题就变得相当重要。在制定金融机构破产立法时,应该明确监管者发起重整程序的触发标准。当监管者发现可能导致危及社会稳定的银行突发事件时,银行应及时向监管机构的负责人报告。而由于中国以国有商业银行为代表的非完全市场化的金融机构存在,银行法中的接管及可能发生的重整更应看做是行政性程序,也就是说监管者在整个过程中发挥决定性作用。 At present, the global financial storm triggered off by the sub-prime mortgage crisis in the US has brought many giant banks worldwide on the brink of bankruptcy. Though China's banking sector bears less impact from this storm, prompt and in-depth research should be conducted with respect to the issue of insolvency legislation in Chinese baking sector. We need to face the possibility of the financial institution insolvency after China's entry into WTO. The financial industry's special status in the national economic development determines that the new Insolvency Law doesn't apply adequately to the bankruptcy of the banking sector. In the insolvency legislation of financial institutions, the issue of reorganization in the liquidation period becomes rather important. In the establishment of insolvency legislation for financial institutions, the criterion of the restructuring process initiated by the supervisory bodies need to be formulated. When supervisors foresee any emergency events which may endanger social stability, banks should report on such emergencies to whom in charge of the supervisory body. The supervisory bodies play a determinant role in the whole process of the take-over and the ensuing reorganization of banks, the procedures of which is rather to be seen as administrative ones due to the fact that what China currently has is not fully marketized financial institutions typically represented by the state-owned commercial banks.
作者 吴晴
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2009年第4期21-24,共4页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
关键词 金融机构 破产法 金融安全 重整 financial institution bankruptcy law financial safety reorganization
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