从数据中心、服务器到磁盘阵列、工业设备,各种原先依赖HDD的设备正在陆续改用基于NAND闪存的SSD(固态硬盘)。在所有这些应用中,SSD均有助于提升性能、降低功耗并节省成本,以提高设备的附加价值。而且,随着价格的下降,SSD 还很可能将会在笔记本电脑中得到广泛应用。但是,价格的降低需依赖于制造工艺与多值技术的进步,而这两者的发展都会影响NAND闪存的性能(如可擦写次数与数据保存时间),这将是SSD必须解决的课题。
SSD is being adopted into all types of equipment that formerly have relied on HDD,from data centers and servers to disk arrays and industrial machinery.In all of these diverse applications,however,SSD adds value to the product by improving performance,reducing power consumption and cutting cost.Moreover,it is likely that SSD will spread explosively in notebook PC in the next year or two.But,there is a problem that still has to be overcome before SSD can achieve that future growth.Evolution toward lower cost will be made possible by finer manufacturing technology,multi- level architecture and other advances,but these changes will also degrade NAND flash memory quality.
Electronic Design & Application World