
金融发展、中间产品市场厚度与FDI引进——中国行业层面数据的检验 被引量:2

Financial Development,Market Thickness of Intermediate Goods and FDI Inflow:China's Evidence
摘要 本文着重研究东道国的金融发展对内流FDI的影响。我们首先提出理论模型对该影响的机制加以探讨,结果表明:金融发展可通过作用于东道国的中间产品市场厚度,同时影响FDI的地区选择和部门模式,从而影响溢出潜力。然后,我们使用2006年中国的地区及行业数据对该理论假设加以实证检验,结果支持这一观点。 With regard to the literature on the determinants of FDI,there is clearly a deficiency of the machanism of the institutional determinant on FDI.To fill this gap,the paper puts forward a theoretical model to explore this mechanism in the context of the relationship between financial development and FDI.And an important conclusion from our research is that financial development will influence both the regional choice of FDI and the sectional model as well as its subsequent spillover through the market thickness of intermediate goods.Then we employ China's proviencial data to test this idea,and the result holds the above.
出处 《世界经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期65-70,共6页 World Economy Studies
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