
关键图示对二语听力理解中工作记忆负荷削减作用的研究 被引量:33

The role of key visuals in reducing working memory load during L2 listening comprehension
摘要 本研究旨在探索背景信息对听力理解作用的心理机制,验证背景信息是否可以通过减轻工作记忆的负荷对听力理解起作用。本研究利用关键图示提供背景知识,从研究关键图示对第二语言(二语)语篇听力理解的作用入手,比较关键图示对工作记忆容量不同的听者的影响。研究结果显示:听者的工作记忆容量和听力理解水平相关;关键图示可以有效提高被试的听力理解水平;在关键图示的辅助下,工作记忆容量对听力理解的作用减弱,且工作记忆容量较低的听者比容量高的听者更受益于关键图示。这些结果可以在容量观和知识观的理论框架内得到解释。本文揭示了二语学习者语篇听力理解过程的心理机制,还讨论了本研究的理论意义及其对当前二语教学的启示。 This paper reports on an empirical study of the role of key visuals in L2 listening comprehension, with a focus on the differential effect that key visuals have on L2 listeners of different working memory capacities. The results show that L2 listeners’ working memory capacities correlated highly with their listening comprehension, and when key visuals were presented, the working memory capacity exerted less effect on L2 comprehension. Furthermore, presentation of key visuals significantly facilitated L2 comprehension, particularly for those listeners with lower working memory capacity. The findings of the present study, which can be accounted for within the capacity-based and the knowledge-based theoretical frameworks,shed light on the psychological mechanism involved in L2 listening comprehension.
机构地区 上海交通大学
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期149-157,共9页 Modern Foreign Languages
基金 上海交通大学985二期资助项目
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