
细颗粒环形气/固喷动床的压力波动分析 被引量:1

Pressure Fluctuation Analysis for Annular Gas-Solid Spouted Bed Using Fine Particles
摘要 采用高频采集压力波动信号,通过统计和频率分析等手段讨论喷动气速、静床高及测点高度等参数对压力波动标准差的影响,并对床体中压力波动来源进行研究.结果表明:压力波动标准差随喷动气速和静床高的增加而增大,随测点高度的增加而减小;由于采用多喷口送风,功率谱中出现高频峰值;床层压力场的扰动主要来源于气泡的产生和破碎、气泡运动的相互作用以及气流从压力室进入喷口所产生的相互扰动. The pressure fluctuation characteristics of a novel annular multi-nozzle spouted bed using fine particles were studied. Different pressure fluctuation time series were obtained at different operating conditions, then statistic and frequency analysis were adopted to investigate the pressure fluctuation phenomenon. The effects of condition parameters, which include gas spouting velocity, static bed height and pressure port height, on the standard deviation of pressure fluctuation were discussed. The results show that the standard deviation increases with the increasing of spouting gas velocity and static bed height, but decreases with the increasing of pressure port height. Furthermore, high major frequency emerge in the power spectrum as the multi-nozzle frame in spouted bed. The sources of pressure fluctuation in bed are identified. Four resources that could influence the pressure fluctuation are determined, which are bubble eruption, bubble formation, bubble interaction from different nozzles and airflow interaction from plenum chamber into nozzles.
出处 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期851-856,共6页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50376033)
关键词 气/固喷动床 标准差 压力波动源 气泡 gas-solid spouted bed standard deviation origin of pressure fluctuation bubble
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