Objective: To study the distribution of retinoic acid receptors (RARs) in variouns body tissues and some biologiccharacteristics of RARα in acute promyelocytic leukemia APL. Me:cells were investigated by the technique of radioligand-binding assay. Rsults:The results showed that retinoic acid-binding activity in tissues as stomach、kidney,brain,colon,lung and blood cells was quite different,more in The brain,colon and spleen. In APL cells,an There existed PMLRAR αof which the affinity of PML-RARα to ATRA was lower than that of RARα (9.5±0. 5llnM vs 3. 3±0. 25nM)and the RARα in Sephadex G-100 chromatograph was normal. Conclusions:The discrepancy in distribution of receptorsreflects the difference in the ability of modulating the biologic behaviors of those tissues and the difference in the proportion of sabtypes of retinoic acid reescptors. The PML-RARα may be the molecular basis of ATRA induction therapy andbeing one of the factors in its pathogenesis.
Shanghai Medical Journal