
维甲酸受体在各类组织细胞中分布的研究 被引量:2

Study on the distribution of retinoic acid receptors in various tissues
摘要 研究人不同组织中维甲酸受体(RAR)的分布及早幼粒白血病(APL)细胞中RAR的一些生物学特性。方法:使用受体放射配体结合分析的方法。结果:在所研究的肝、脾、胃、结肠、肾、脑、肺等组织和白细胞中,组织间RAR的含量差异较大,其中以脑、脾、结肠组织中的含量较高。在APL细胞中除正常RARa外,尚存在融合受体(PML-RARα),该受体与全反式维甲酸(ATRA)的亲和力较RARα为低(9.5±0.51nM/3.3±0.25nM)。结论:这种分布差异反映了这些组织接受维甲酸调控能力的差异,及维甲酸受体不同亚型之间的比例不同。PML-RARα的存在可能是ATRA作用的分子基础,也可能是APL发病的环节之一。 Objective: To study the distribution of retinoic acid receptors (RARs) in variouns body tissues and some biologiccharacteristics of RARα in acute promyelocytic leukemia APL. Me:cells were investigated by the technique of radioligand-binding assay. Rsults:The results showed that retinoic acid-binding activity in tissues as stomach、kidney,brain,colon,lung and blood cells was quite different,more in The brain,colon and spleen. In APL cells,an There existed PMLRAR αof which the affinity of PML-RARα to ATRA was lower than that of RARα (9.5±0. 5llnM vs 3. 3±0. 25nM)and the RARα in Sephadex G-100 chromatograph was normal. Conclusions:The discrepancy in distribution of receptorsreflects the difference in the ability of modulating the biologic behaviors of those tissues and the difference in the proportion of sabtypes of retinoic acid reescptors. The PML-RARα may be the molecular basis of ATRA induction therapy andbeing one of the factors in its pathogenesis.
出处 《上海医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第6期313-315,共3页 Shanghai Medical Journal
关键词 维甲酸受体 白血病 早幼粒 生物学特性 Retinoic acid receptors Retinoic acid Tumor tissues
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