
地震灾区教师心理健康状况调查研究 被引量:7

A Survey on Teachers' Mental Health after Wenchuan Earthquake
摘要 根据创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)症状诊断标准,用改编的PTSD问卷对四川省10个极重灾区的317名中小学教师进行了问卷调查。结果表明:教师在"不由自主地一再想起地震时的情形"、"对很多事情失去了兴趣"、"在小事情上容易激动愤怒"以及"注意力不集中"这几个方面报告最多,在"持续性警觉增高"这一维度上得分最高。与男教师相比,女教师更倾向于"回避与刺激相关的情境"。教龄在10年以上的教师在"反复重现创伤性体验"和"持续警觉增高"上得分显著高于其他教龄组的教师。不同受灾情况的教师在PTSD各维度上均存在显著差异。家人遇难或受伤的教师在"持续警觉性增高"、"回避与刺激相关的情境"、"反复重现创伤性体验"上得分都显著高于家人没有伤亡的教师。建议高度重视教师的心理健康状况,分群体有针对性地开展心理援助。 According to symptoms of the diagnostic criterion of PTSD, 317 primary and secondary school teachers are investigated in ten severely earthquake - hit areas of Sichuan Province. The results indicate that aspects reported most by teachers include they "can't help repeatedly remembering circumstances in the earthquake", "lose interests in many things", "become upset and angry even at trivial matters" and "can't concentrate on what they are doing". Besides, teachers get the highest scores on the dimension of "increasingly continued alertness". Compared with male teachers, female teachers tend to "avoid situations associated with the earthquake stimulation." Teachers with more than 10 years of teaching experience get significantly higher scores on the dimensions of "repeatedly reappearing the traumatic experience" and "increasingly continued alertness" than teachers of other age groups. Significant differences exist at various dimensions of PTSD among teachers with different affected situations. The results suggest great importance should be attached to the mental health of teachers and psychological assistance should be carried on to different groups of teachers.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期46-50,共5页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 国家社会科学基金"十一五"规划课题"‘5.12’汶川大地震灾区师生心理援助应急机制研究"(课题编号:BHA080018) 中央教育科学研究所2008年度基本科研业务费专项基金课题(课题编号:GY200804)阶段性成果
关键词 地震灾区 中小学教师 创伤后应激障碍 earthquake - hit area primary and secondary school teachers post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
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