
阿诺德·汤因比的经济思想与英国工业革命 被引量:2

A.Tonybee's Economic Thought & British Industrial Revolution
摘要 阿诺德·汤因比是19世纪英国杰出的历史学家。通过对英国工业革命的研究,他不仅开创了一个历史学新领域,而且更合理地诠释了工业革命的内涵。汤因比的有关经济思想主要包括三方面:对自由理论提出了修正,认为只有保证所有人的自由才能促进全社会的福利;将圈地视为英国现代农业进步的前提,并认可个人所有权的建立是文明社会发展的趋势;从理论和事实上批判了古典经济学的工资理论,同时也得出了工业革命中工人的生活水平不断改善的结论。 A. Tonybee, an outstanding English historian in the 19th century, opened up a new historical area through studying Britain's Industrial Revolution and advanced some quite logical explanation about it. His economic thought about the Industrial Revolution included, an amendment to laisser faire which he believed that if only were everybody's freedom guaranteed, promoting social welfare could been realized; enclosure being a pre-condition to the agricultural progress in Britain and the establishment of individualist ownership being a law in civilized societies; and also, a refutation to the wage-fund theory of classical economics by logic and evidence and its conclusion about the improvement of workers' living standard in the Industrial Revolution.
作者 徐滨
出处 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期357-362,共6页 Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(20080440686)
关键词 阿诺德·汤因比 经济思想 英国 工业革命 A. Tonybee economic thought Britain Industrial Revolution
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