
中国财政创新激励政策的增长绩效分析 被引量:6

Research on the Growth Performance of Fiscal Innovation Incentive Policies in China
摘要 新一轮积极财政政策已全面启动并付诸实施,财政政策如何影响并激励研发创新成为理论界和实际部门关注的焦点。本文在融合资本积累、研发创新、财政创新激励政策等变量的经济增长理论模型基础上,按中国经济发展的实际情况给模型中的外生变量或参数赋值,做数值模拟试验,研究结果发现:税收优惠和研发资助两种财政创新激励政策都有助于提高研发创新量和经济增长率;税收优惠与市场研发互补,研发资助则具有一定程度的替代性,从而税收优惠政策比研发资助政策对经济增长的冲击力度更大,但研发资助政策的作用时滞更短;为提高增长绩效,应根据两种创新激励政策各自的优缺点审慎选择适用领域。 The way that fiscal policy influences and promotes innovation has been paid attention to by both academicians and practitioners. This research is based on the economic growth model in which capital accumulation, research and innovation, and fiscal innovation incentive policy variables are integrated, exogenous variables or parameters are assigned to make a numerical test according to China's actual economic situation. The results show that tax incentive and R&D grant policies help improve market R&D, innovation and economic growth; that tax incentive is complementary with market R&D; and that tax incentive policy leads to greater impact on economic growth, but the impact lag of R&D grant policy is shorter than that of tax incentive policy. To improve growth performance, two kinds of fiscal innovation incentive policies should be utilized carefully according to their merits.
出处 《当代经济科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期1-8,共8页 Modern Economic Science
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国财政金融安全”(05&ZD008) “教育部人文社会科学研究基金青年项目(08JC790056)” “南开大学人文社会科学校内青年项目”(NKQ08011)
关键词 创新激励 增长绩效 研发资助 税收优惠 Innovation incentive Growth performance R&D grant Tax incentive
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