
GARCH模型下的美式期权模拟定价--来自中国权证市场的经验 被引量:4

American style option simulation pricing under GARCH models——Evidence from Chinese warrant Market
摘要 分别运用GBM模型和GARCH模型对我国市场上的股票价格进行参数估计,并使用最小二乘蒙特卡罗模拟方法对我国具有百慕大性质的权证进行蒙特卡罗模拟定价,发现GARCH模型的定价效果明显优于GBM假设下的定价,虚值程度越高的权证,定价误差越大。定价误差的对数与上证综合指数的对数之间存在明显的协整关系,权证没有卖空机制,使得套利无法实现,投机气氛较浓,是我国权证的市场价格明显高估的重要原因。实证对GARCH条件下的定价误差更加具有解释力。 We estimate the parameters of GBM model and GARCH model using stock prices on Chinese market. and then simulate the prices of warrants on the market by LSM,we found that GARCH models are better than GBM models in the pricing ,when it is out of moneyness, the Pricing error is large. Log of pricing error and that of Shanghai Composite Index have the significant co-integration relationship, the reason why the market prices are higher than the theory prices is that no mechanism of short of warrants make arbitrage can not be achieved. GARCH models'pricing error can be explained more properly by empire study.
出处 《当代经济科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期70-77,共8页 Modern Economic Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70861003) 教育部人文社会科学一般项目(06JA790025) 江西省教育厅科技计划项目(赣教技字[2007]261号) 江西省教育厅教改重点项目(JXJG-O7-4-7) 江西财经大学“金融深化过程中信用风险的测度与控制”创新团队基金项目(江财科研字[2005]4号)
关键词 GARCH 权证 蒙特卡罗模拟 GARCH warrants Monte Carlo simulation
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