
不同光质补光对黄瓜、辣椒和番茄幼苗生长及生理特性的影响 被引量:154

Effects of Supplemental Lighting with Different Light Qualities on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Cucumber,Pepper and Tomato Seedlings
摘要 采用新型半导体光源精确调制光质(红光、黄光、绿光、红蓝组合光和蓝光),对大棚内的黄瓜‘中农21’和‘中农27’,辣椒‘巨无霸5号’和‘镇研六号’,番茄‘荷兰红粉’和‘以色列虹丰’进行定时补光。研究结果表明,不同光质补光对3种蔬菜共6个品种幼苗生长影响显著且存在差异。总体认为,补充红光和红蓝光使幼苗茎粗、鲜样质量和干样质量以及壮苗指数均显著高于对照(无补光处理),黄瓜‘中农21’、番茄和辣椒的可溶性糖含量也显著提高。在蓝光处理下,辣椒‘巨无霸5号’壮苗指数和干样质量均达到最大且显著高于对照。红光或黄光显著提高黄瓜、番茄‘以色列虹丰’的叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量。 Effects of supplemental lighting with different light qualities on the growth and physiological characteristics of seedlings of cucumber ' Zhongnong 21 ' and ' Zhongnong 27 ' , pepper ' Juwuba 5 ' and 'Zhenyan 6', tomato 'Holland Hongfen' and 'Israel Hongfeng' were studied. The light emitting diode (LED) with different light qualities (red light, yellow light, green light, red + blue light and blue light) were used as supplemental lighting. The experimental results showed that the effects of supplemental lighting with different light qualities on_different vegetable seedlings were obvious, but not identical. Generally speaking, the growth of seedlings were remarkably effected by red LED and red + blue LED, the stern diameter, fresh/dry weight and healthy index of the seedlings were significantly higher than those of the control ( no supplemental lighting), and the soluble sugar content of cucumber ' Zhongnong 21 ' , tomato and pepper seedlings were significantly increased as well. The maximal healthy index and dry weight of pepper ' Juwu ba 5' were obtained with blue LED. Chlorophyll and carotenoid content of cucumber and tomato ' Israel Hongfeng' seedlings were significantly increased by red or yellow LED. The results suggested that supplementing red or red + blue light could accelerate the growth of the vegetable seedlings and benefit the breeding of healthy seedling, but appropriate readjustment is necessary according to the different vegetable species and cuhivars.
出处 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期663-670,共8页 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
基金 国家‘863’计划项目(2006AA03A165) 国家自然科学基金项目(30800764)
关键词 黄瓜 辣椒 番茄 光质 幼苗 生长 生理特性 cucumber tomato pepper light quality seedling growth physiological characteristics
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