1North American Free Trade Agreement, in force January 1, 1994, 32 International Legal Materials, 1993.
2Daniel M. Price, An Overview of the NAFTA Investment Chapter: Substantive Rules and Investor/State Dispute Settlement, 27 International Lawyer, 1993, p. 736, p. 736, p. 729, p. 729.
3NAFTA, Article 1117.
4J.A. VanDuzer, Investor- State Dispute Settlement under NAFTA Chapter: The Shape of Things to Come? 35 Canadian Yearbook of International Law, 1997, p. 263.
5NAFTA, Article 1113.
6Richard C. Levin & Susan E. Marin, NAFTA Chapter 11: Investment and Investment Disputes, 2 NAFTA: Law and Business Review of the Amerleas, 82, Summer, 1996.