
初中生人际关系能力的发展及其与人格的关系 被引量:14

The Developmental Characteristics of Interpersonal Competence and Their Relationship with Personality in Lower School Student
摘要 目的考察初中生人际关系能力的发展特点及其与人格的关系。方法采用人际关系能力问卷和人格5因素问卷,对北京市某普通中学597名初中生进行了调查。结果1人际关系能力呈现出性别和年级差异。女生提供情感支持和自我袒露能力高于男生(F=6.03,P<0.05;F=9.78,P<0.01);初一和初二学生在发起交往上的得分高于初三(F=5.89,P<0.01);初一学生冲突解决的能力高于初二、初三(F=3.50,P<0.05);2除情绪性之外,人格5因素与人际关系能力的各维度均有显著相关。回归分析表明,人格5因素对于人际关系能力的不同维度有不同的预测力。结论初中生的人际交往能力表现出年级和性别差异;初中生的人格与人际关系能力具有一定联系。 Objectives To study the developmental characteristics of interpersonal competence and the relationship between interpersonal competence and personality.Methods Data were collected from 597 lower middle school students by Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire(ICQ-R) and the Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire in middle school of Beijing(FFP).Results ①In Initiation and Disclosure,Girls were higher than boys(F=6.03,P〈0.05;F=9.78,P〈0.01);Students in gradeone and two had higher scores than in grade three in Initiation(F=5.89,P〈0.01),students in grade one had higher scores than in grade two and grade three in Conflict Management(F=3.50,P〈0.05);②There were significant correlations between interpersonal competence and personality except Neuroticism;③Regression analysis showed that five scales of personality could predict interpersonal competence.Conclusion Low middle school students presented differences in interpersonal competence in terms of gender and grade;There exised certain relationship between interpersonal competence and personality.
作者 王英春 邹泓
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2009年第1期59-61,共3页 China Journal of Health Psychology
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目(05JJDXLX001)
关键词 精神卫生 人际关系能力 问卷法 初中生 Mental health Interpersonal competence Questionnaire method Lower middle school student
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