
无线认知网络中基于竞争的频谱感知预测算法 被引量:1

A Competition-Based Spectrum Sensing Prediction Algorithm for Wireless Cognitive Networks
摘要 无线认知网络已成为无线网络的研究热点,其中频谱感知和接入算法研究一直是无线认知网络的研究重点。本文针对一定的无线认知网络,给定多个竞争业务流之间的拓扑关系,提出了一种集中式的频谱感知和接入算法。该算法利用一种新的最小团覆盖算法对竞争关系进行建模,并通过最大匹配算法进行频谱分配。仿真结果证明,该算法能使全网期望的吞吐量至少提高30%。 Wireless cognitive network is regarded as the next generation wireless network. Research on spectrum sensing and access algorithms is always the hot research area of the cognitive network. This paper proposes a centralized spectrum sensing and access algorithm for a given network topology and the multiple network traffic, and proposes a new minimum clique cover algorithm to model the contention relation of network traffic. And through a maximum matching algorithm, the whole network can get a maximum spectrum usage. By simulation, we demonstrate that the new algorithm can improve the expected network throughput by at least 30%.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期90-92,95,共4页 Computer Engineering & Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60773017)
关键词 认知无线电 感知 接入 频谱 cognitive radio sensing access spectrum
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