
巴列维时期伊朗与以色列的关系 被引量:1

The Relationship of Iran and Israel During the Pahlavi Period
摘要 巴列维时期伊朗与以色列的关系经历了磨合确立、繁荣发展和盛极而竭三个阶段;共同应对苏联威胁和激进阿拉伯国家挑战的地缘政治因素为两国战略合作打下了基础,军事和经济及安全合作推动了两国关系全面发展,以美特殊关系和伊美联盟进一步巩固了伊以关系;与此同时,伊朗国内宗教保守势力和阿拉伯国家的反对也制约了伊以关系向外交上公开承认的方向发展。 The relationship of Iran and Israel during the Pahlavi period experienced three stages,which were understanding each other and establishing relations,the prosperous development and the glorious summit to the end suddenly.Between the Iran and Israel,the geopolitical factors of common responses,the threats from the Soviet Union and challenges from the radical Arab countries have laid a foundation for their strategic cooperation;the collaboration of military,economic and security have promoted the relations to the comprehensive field,and the special connections of Israel-U.S.and the alliance of Iran-U.S.has further consolidated this relationship.At the same time,the religious conservative forces of Iran and the rejections of the Arab countries has also constrained against the two countries' relations to open recognization diplomatically.
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期231-235,共5页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 巴列维 伊朗 以色列 Pahlavi Iran Israel relationship
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