
英雄、神话和隐喻:格萨尔王作为藏族民间认同和佛教原型 被引量:10

Hero,Myth and Metaphor:King Gesar as Archetype of Tibetan Local Identity and Buddhism
摘要 本文主要考察了《格萨尔》史诗中人物的文化和宗教意义。在文化现实的层面上,认为《格萨尔》民间传说是藏族民问文化认同的一个标志,蕴含着历史的和神话的内容;在宗教学和心理学的意义上,还认为格萨尔王也是一个原型人物(archetype)。从荣格心理学的角度来理解,格萨尔人物的功能不仅局限在作为藏族民族英雄的框架中,更重要的是,他契合了藏传佛教历史上高僧大德的教义传播和大乘佛教中的菩萨的理念。虽然格萨尔王是一个藏族特有的民间人物,但他仍具有超越个人和跨文化的原型品质。 This paper examines the cultural and religious significance of the King Gesar narratives. It argues that Gesar folklore, on an empirical level, is a cultural identity marker of Tibetans which has both historical and mythical contents. It also argues that in the religious and psychological sense, the character of King Gesar is an archetype, as understood from the perspective of Jungian psychology, whose function is not limited to the conventional framework of the national hero marking in Tibetan cultural identity but, most critically, pertains to the dissemination of the teachings of prominent historical Buddhist figure in Tibetan Buddhist history and the Mahayana Buddhist idea of bodhisattvahood. Although King Gesar is a Tibet-specific folk character, he nevertheless bears archetypal qualities that are trans-personal and trans-cultural.
作者 郁丹
出处 《西北民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期124-135,225,共13页 Journal of Northwestern Ethnic Studies
关键词 投射 原型 神话 隐喻 Projection, archetype, myth, metaphor
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  • 4Douglas J. Penick. The Warrior Song of King Gesar. Boston: Wisdom Publications. 1996.
  • 5Freud, Sigmund. Totem and Taboo: Some Points of Agreement between the Mental Lives of Savages and Neurotics. Translated and edited by James Strachey. New York: W. W. Norton& Company. 1989, p. 81.
  • 6Jung, Carl. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. New York: Pantheon Books. 1959, p. 3.
  • 7Hillman, James. Archetypal Psychology. Putnam, Connecticut: Spring Publications, Inc. 2004, p. 23.
  • 8Jung, Carl. Two Essays on Analytical Psychology. New York: Pantheon Books.1953, p. 68.
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  • 10Jung, Carl . The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. New York: PantheonBooks. 1959, p. 3.











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