

Influence on ALM Tree Construction Performance by Connection Request Sequence
摘要 研究应用层多播(ALM)中连接请求序列对ALM算法的影响。利用实际网络数据进行实验,发现连接序列的不同会造成ALM构建树拓扑的异构,从而影响ALM建树的性能。基于实验对比结果,选定一种能够保证ALM算法稳定性的连接序列,实现低错误率ALM树的建立。 This paper researches the influence of connection request sequences to Application-Layer Multicast(ALM) algorithm. It uses the data from the actual project to do experiments, finding that different connection request sequences may cause different ALM multicast tree configuration, so that the performance of multicast tree construction will be affected. Based on the experimental results, it chooses one sequence which ensures the stability of ALM algorithm to low error rate of ALM tree construction.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期104-106,119,共4页 Computer Engineering
关键词 应用层多播 连接请求序列 建树 Application-Layer Multicast(ALM) connection request sequence tree construction
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