Solar energy has been the subject of considerable discussion in recent years. As an energy crisis creeps over the world, more countries and multinationals are turning their attention to alternative energy than ever before. China produces more solar cells than any other country, and it has quickly improved its ability to manufacture solar batteries. In 2000, Chinese firms produced 3-Mw solar cells and then pushed it up to 1,088 Mw by the end of 2007. In 2008, the figure soared above 2,000 Mw. Though the annual rate fell to 76% due to the impact of the global economic crisis, far lower than the rate of more than 200% in previous years, it is still astounding, especially when compared with other industries. More than 90% of China’s solar cells are sold overseas. European economies — led by Germany, Spain, Italy and Greece — are the primary purchasers of Chinese solar cells. The European market and global demand will grow in the near future despite a global economic slowdown, so China’s solar cell exports will increase quickly as well.